Quản trị dự án

Câu hỏi thường gặp ở Session 1

Câu hỏi 1 (Q1). Phân biệt giữa Project team và Project Management Team?

Trả lời 1 (A1) => xem https://www.Masterskills.com/blogs/kien-thuc/so-sanh-giua-project-team-va-project-management-team.

Có thể tóm gọn lại Project team là toàn bộ đội nhóm dự án; còn Project Management team là giám đốc dự án (project manager) cộng một số team lead


Q2. Project Owner là ai?

A2. => Không có thuật ngữ này trong waterfall mà có trong agile.

In an agile environment, the project owner role can be filled by someone from the business who is responsible for working with the agile team to prioritize features and functions. This person may also:

– Attend reviews and accept the deliverables presented.

– Be a risk owner.

– Participate in phase gate reviews.

– Be involved with governance.

– Identify issues.

– Document lessons learned.

– Provide expert judgment.


Q3. Organizational Structure là gì? Và các loại organizational structure khác nhau?

A3. => xem trang 47 PMBOK Guide và link https://www.Masterskills.com/blogs/kien-thuc/organizational-structure


Q4. Phân biệt giữa Expediter va Coordinator?

A4. => xem ở https://www.Masterskills.com/blogs/kien-thuc/project-expediter-vs-project-coordinator


Q5. Organizational project management (OPM) là gì?

A5. => xem trang 13 PMBOK Guide và link https://www.Masterskills.com/blogs/kien-thuc/organizational-project-management-opm


Q6. Project life cycle khác gì development life cycle?

A6. => A project life cycle is the series of phases that a project passes through from its start to its completion. It provides the basic framework for managing the project. This basic framework applies regardless of the specific project work involved. The phases may be sequential, iterative, or overlapping. All projects can be mapped to the generic life cycle shown in Figure 1-5, page 18 PMBOK. Project life cycle includes:

  • Starting the project
  • Organizing and Preparing
  • Carrying out the work
  • Ending the project

=> A development life cycle: Within a project life cycle, there are generally one or more phases that are associated with the development of the product, service, or result. These are called a development life cycle. The development life cycle is used to ensure that the expected or planned result of each phase is achieved. An example of a development life cycle for a software project might include the following life cycle phases: research, design, code, test, and implement. Development life cycles can be predictive, iterative, incremental, adaptive, or a hybrid model

Tóm lại development life cycle có thể là 1 phase trong project life cycle.


Q7. Câu hỏi số 15 sách Rita ở chương project management framework, đáp án là A hay B?

A7. => Câu 15 Rita phần Framework. As a project manager, you have had to develop skills to help plan and manage projects successfully. Which skills would best help you encourage project teams to reach levels of high cooperation and achievement, promote a positive relationship with sMasterskillsrs on a project, and involve stakeholders appropriately through all aspects of the project?

Tham khảo:   Quản lý dự án theo mô hình linh hoạt Agile Scrum

A. Active listening, negotiating, and political awareness

B. Networking, commMasterskillstion models, and SWOT

C. Sensitivity analysis, active listening, and leadership

D. CommMasterskillstion methods, team building, and claims administration

câu hỏi có vài phần

– encourage project teams to reach levels of high cooperation and achievement,

– promote a positive relationship with sMasterskillsrs on a project, and

– involve stakeholders appropriately through all aspects of the project

Lựa chọn D sai vì có “claims administration” dùng để giải thích các tranh chấp trong hợp đồng (procurement management). PMBOK trang 498 có mô tả CLAIMS ADMINISTRATION

Contested changes and potential constructive changes are those requested changes where the buyer and sMasterskillsr cannot reach an agreement on compensation for the change or cannot agree that a change has occurred. These contested changes are called claims. When they cannot be resolved, they become disputes and finally appeals. Claims are documented, processed, monitored, and managed throughout the contract life cycle, usually in accordance with the terms of the contract. If the parties themselves do not resolve a claim, it may have to be handled in accordance with alternative dispute resolution (ADR) typically following procedures established in the contract. Settlement of all claims and disputes through negotiation is the preferred method.

Lựa chọn C sai vì có “Sensitivity analysis” liên quan đến đánh giá định lượng rủi ro

Lựa chọn B sai vì có SWOT liên quan đến Identify Risk

Lựa chọn A là chính xác vì đó là các soft skill (interpersonal skills) cần thiết của 1 Project Manager.


Q8. Không hiểu cả câu hỏi và đáp án bên dưới

2.13.To obtain support for the project throughout the performing organization, its best if the project manager:

A. Ensures there is a commMasterskillstions management plan

B. Correlates the need for the project to the organization’s strategic plan
C. Connects the project to the personal objectives of the sponsor
D. Confirms that the management plan includes the management of team members

Answer B
Explanation Connecting the project to the sponsor’s objectives might be a good idea, but it does not address the issue of obtaining support throughout the performing organization. Neither ensuring there is a commMasterskillstions management plan nor confirming that the management plan includes the management of team members directly addresses the need to obtain support for the project. Correlating the need for the project to the organizations strategic plan is the best way to gain support for the project.

Tham khảo:   Kỹ năng cần thiết để quản lý dự án thành công

A8. => Câu hỏi là để có được sự hỗ trợ cho dự án trong TOÀN BỘ TỔ CHỨC thì PM nên làm gì là tốt nhất.

Lựa chọn C Không chính xác. Nhớ rằng tổ chức có thể rất lớn, có hàng chục/trăm dự án nên có thể có hàng chục/trăm sponsor. Gắn dự án vào mục tiêu cá nhân của sponsor của dự án đó thì chưa chắc có sự hỗ trợ của TOÀN BỘ TỔ CHỨC, mà có khi có tác dụng ngược.

Lựa chọn D không thấy liên quan gì đến câu hỏi
Lựa chọn A Có commMasterskillstion plan là rất tốt, đây là đáp án tốt nhì. CommMasterskillstion plan giúp chúng ta biết cần commMasterskillste với ai, tần suất nào, cần commMasterskillste thông tin gì, … tuy nhiên vẫn chưa tốt bằng align với strategic plan của tổ chức.

Lựa chọn B (B. Correlates the need for the project to the organization’s strategic plan) là chính xác nhất Strategic plan liên quan đến TOÀN BỘ TỔ CHỨC.


Q9. Không hiểu cả câu hỏi và đáp án bên dưới

3.10.A project manager does not have much time to spend on planning before the mandatory start date arrives. He therefore wants to move through planning as effectively as possible. What advice would

you offer?

A. Make sure you have a signed project charter and then start the WBS.
B. Create an activity list before creating a network diagram.
C. Document all the known risks before you document the high-level assumptions.

D. Finalize the quality management plan before you determine quality metrics.

Answer B
Explanation This question is asking which of the choices is the most effective way to move through project planning. Starting the WBS immediately after obtaining a project charter skips the important steps of defining the scope and other activities. High-level assumptions are determined in project initiating. Quality metrics are determined as part of the quality management plan, not after it. The activity list is created before the network diagram, so that is the best option.

A9. => Keyword của câu hỏi nằm ở đoạn “He therefore wants to move through planning as effectively as possible”

Lựa chọn “C. Document all the known risks before you document the high-level assumptions.” không chính xác vì high-level assumptions có trước, có trong project charter (Initiating).

Lựa chọn “D. Finalize the quality management plan before you determine quality metrics.” không chính xác chỗ “before” => chính xác hơn thì là “parallel”

Tham khảo:   Proximity vs. Dormancy trong bài thi PMP

Lựa chọn “A. Make sure you have a signed project charter and then start the WBS.” là chưa chính xác vì chưa xác định được stakeholder, chưa collect requirements, chưa define scope; nên chưa thể start WBS.

Lựa chọn “B. Create an activity list before creating a network diagram.” là đúng nhất trong 4 lựa chọn. Create a network diagram chính là output của Sequence Activities process (có sau khi thực hiện Define Activities process)


Q10. Không hiểu cả câu hỏi và đáp án bên dưới

3.16. Which of the following is a characteristic of project management processes?

A. Iterative
B. Unique
C. Unnecessary

D. Standardized

Answer A
Explanation As the project life cycle progresses, more information becomes available, allowing the

team to manage the project to a more detailed level.

A10. => Đặc điểm của project management processes là Iterative như giải thích ở trên

Đặc điểm UNIQUE result là của PROJECT.

Lựa chọn C và D không chính xác.


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